has enjoyed more visitors than we dreamed possible.
Thanks for visiting our site!
Elaine Reed Collins
Posted on the 2018-08-12 at 20:00
Hi, I am from the class of 1966...really enjoyed spending time catching up on SCHS news. Thanks for a brief visit to Salem via your website!!!
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Janet Arndt- Pratt
Posted on the 2015-04-13 at 20:00
Love this site. I just went through it again and see new things added everytime I visit. Life is good.
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Janet Arndt-Pratt
Posted on the 2015-04-13 at 20:00
Just updated my profile page and reviwed all my classmates. I enjoyed it Thanks Jeannell for reminding us on Face Book. I do like to keep up with everyone on there so if you are not on there go and be our friend. SCHS Class of 1968
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Curtis Hickey
Posted on the 2014-04-01 at 20:00
Just checking it out.
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Francis L Garrison
Posted on the 2014-03-22 at 20:00
Francis L Garrison Class of 1968
Didn't know ths web site existed, just found it when seasrcing the web for something else.
Will update my profile later, when I can findout how to do updates.
Married to Doris E. Green (Garrison) in June 1969
Francis Garrison (Both Retired)
Live Oak, FL
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Sandy Hohlbaugh Bumgarner
Posted on the 2013-06-03 at 20:00
I was in the SCHS class of 1969. Loved visiting this site, alot of time and love went into this. Enjoyed seeing where everyone is today. Thank you
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Judy Wallis Maier
Posted on the 2011-11-18 at 19:00
HI to everone!
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Robert Githens
Posted on the 2011-08-22 at 20:00
Best wishes to everyone
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Penny Sweney
Posted on the 2011-08-09 at 20:00
What a great idea and fun to see and catch up with old friends.
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Kathy Crain (Johnson)
Posted on the 2011-07-13 at 20:00
Hi, I am the eldest of Bradley Allen Johnson\'s (class of \'68) daughters. Like my sister (Cindy Johnson(Davis)), I would be interested in any stories about our dad. Thank you
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Rhae Ellen (Dodson) Alvis
Posted on the 2011-06-05 at 20:00
Hello, & so glad sooooo many have checked our website. And "they" say the Class of \'68 has no class!!!!!!
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Janet Pratt
Posted on the 2011-05-18 at 20:00
I saw the post about Private First Class Steven Paul Bergeron Newcomer on WJBD and my thoughts raced back to Lynn Donoho our classmate,, the Vietnam War (I know it was supposedly a conflict) and our loss of a classmate. Was it really 43 years ago? Wow.
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Cynthia(Cindy) Marie Johnson(Davis)
Posted on the 2011-04-21 at 20:00
I\'m the youngest daughter of Bradley Allen Johnson DOB 9/25/50. I\'m just interested in connecting with people who knew my dad. As it is on this website he passed away Sept. 11, 2002. Please feel free to contact me at my email address Thank you.
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Laura Hatch (Snookie)
Posted on the 2011-01-17 at 19:00
I love love love this web site! I am really missing my years at High School and all my very good friends I would see everyday in the halls walking to class. It is nice to come to this web site and feel at home even though is it the class of 1968 and I am from the class of 1967 we didn\'t see years we were all about our "friends". Some "friends" I have not seen for many years but I remember them like I just pasted them in the hall or parking lot! Thanks to those that created this wonderful site! Snookie
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Janet Pratt
Posted on the 2010-11-02 at 20:00
Hello Class of 68. I am just checking in to catch all the news. Everything is going Ok here in FL. I woke up this morning and that is a plus lol.
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Troy Cannon
Posted on the 2010-02-09 at 19:00
Great site! Thanks for the inspiration- we should build a site like this for our class (\'80).
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Brenda Hudgens Loew
Posted on the 2010-02-09 at 19:00
We\'re glad that you like it, Troy. We hope that the class of \'80 can get a site up and running. Thanks for stopping by.
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Jeannell Charman
Posted on the 2010-01-30 at 19:00
Wow! We have had 3500 plus visitors to our class site. Since we had no idea of the interest in a class site when we put it up, I'd say that is pretty amazing. So you may not always sign the guest book, but you are stopping by the site. Thanks for coming!
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Rhae Ellen(Dodson) Alvis
Posted on the 2009-12-23 at 19:00
MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our classmates and friends!
Ron & Rhae Ellen
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Margaret Groff Mainer
Posted on the 2009-11-03 at 19:00
Great site. Thanks
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Charles Huff
Posted on the 2009-10-29 at 20:00
Updated my info because is no more. Until I get my own website, you can see what I'm up to on facebook and the pages I have set up.
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Ann Haworth Gifford
Posted on the 2009-08-20 at 20:00
glad to stop by for a visit- drop me a line
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Vicki (Bob) Cantrell
Posted on the 2009-07-23 at 20:00
Love the music - website is great!
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Michele McCaffrey
Posted on the 2009-07-01 at 20:00
What a great site, thanks Jeannell!!
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Jeannell Charman
Posted on the 2009-04-30 at 20:00
Wow! We have had 1500 visitors to our site. That's incredible! The site continues to evolve so please come back soon. Thanks for stopping by!
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Karen Burris
Posted on the 2009-03-19 at 20:00
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Toni Strieker
Posted on the 2008-12-24 at 19:00
Hello Fellow Classmates,
I tried to figure out how to post our family newsletter on the cool class website, but unfortunately, technology is not one of my strengths. So I'll just do this the old fashion way with a group email list. If you all write these newsletters, send me a copy of yours.
We are having a quiet Christmas in Atlanta and then are off to Las Vegas to celebrate Stefan's graduation from Georgia State. Yeah! Ron and I are officially empty-nesters!
Have a Happy!
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Darrell Gaston
Posted on the 2008-12-16 at 19:00
Come on guys,I want to see your family pictures.I love the site.You did a great job. Darrell Gaston
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Posted on the 2008-12-16 at 19:00
Hello to everyone . I was so very happy to see all of you that I did see on Friday night at Janets. Sorry to have missed all of you that I did miss on Saturday and Sunday. Hats off to all of you that put this page together. Very hard work. I thank you.
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Ann Goltermann
Posted on the 2008-12-07 at 19:00
After looking at the website and all of the photos, you and your committee did a fabulous job on planning the 1968 reunion! Tell everybody thank you for all of their hard work that went in to this project. I am so sorry I missed such a fun event! Thank you again, Ann
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Jerry Speaks
Posted on the 2008-11-28 at 19:00
What a great web site idea! Brought back some old memories although I was "just" a junior in 1968.
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Sheila McKelvey Halterman
Posted on the 2008-11-28 at 19:00
Great website, how lucky you are to have this place to keep in touch with each other. You are all going to have so much fun!
Everyone looks great and it looks like everyone had a great time.
An older class mate...well, just by one year..hee
I will be checking back in....
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Mary Anne
Posted on the 2008-11-23 at 19:00
We had a great time sharing at the reunion. Hope some of you who chose not to come, will try the next time. Remember there is one thing better than making a living - it is making a life!!!
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Sheila Yeary Smith
Posted on the 2008-11-21 at 19:00
I cannot say it enough!! The website is fantastic!! Kudos to all you talented people who organized it. Let me hear from you guys.
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Mel Elkin
Posted on the 2008-11-18 at 19:00
The website looks great! Appreciate all your hard work in keeping us connected. mel
aka Jeannie Baltzell Elkin
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Ruth Thompson
Posted on the 2008-11-18 at 19:00
The website is terrific.. I had a ball surfing around. Enjoyed seeing the pictures of everyone at the reunion, but realized how few folks I actually got to visit with. Next time, I'll catch up. Have a great day! Best, Babe
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Rita Boudet Black
Posted on the 2008-11-16 at 19:00
The Class of "68's website is great! I really enjoyed viewing the recent class reunion that you all had. Looks like a good time was had by all! Hats off to whomever put it together. Great job! Rita Black
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Elaine Petrea Meyers
Posted on the 2008-11-15 at 19:00
This is such great work! Hopefully we can all do justice to all that a few have already accomplished.
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Toni Strieker
Posted on the 2008-11-14 at 19:00
The site is AMAZING! Great work.
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Deborah Roddy-Draper
Posted on the 2008-11-13 at 19:00
Wow, great job guy on the web site.
I really hated to miss the class reunion. It looks like everyone had a great time from looking at the pictures.
This is a great way to keep in touch, I would love to hear from some of you.
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Janet (Arndt) Pratt
Posted on the 2008-11-12 at 19:00
Whoopee! I am so excited I cannot wait for some of the entrees. What a great job Jeannell, Barb & Brenda did. I am like the old Shake and Bake commercial “I helped” I am going to try the new payment system right now to sponsor a month for the website. I challenge all you doting grandmas out there to join me.