55th Reunion 2023

55th Reunion of the SCHS Class of 1968
Please join us on July 8, 2023

Saturday night Dinner Party at the Salem Elks
    5:00 PM – Reception
       6:00 PM – Class photo
6:30 PM – Dinner
   Social until midnight
Cash bar.
$55 per couple or $27.50 for a single
  The Salem Elks Lodge is known for its delicious food.
The buffet dinner will consist of fried chicken, roast beef,
potatoes, vegetables, salad, rolls, dessert, coffee, and tea.
Taxes and gratuity are included.
For some of our classmates,
the trip to Salem for a dinner with old friends is a big ask. 
We understand that. 
If you are traveling to or through Salem this summer,
we hope that you will plan to join us. 
The committee anticipates a good turnout of local classmates.
On Friday night classmates are invited to the ABC Pub. 
The ABC serves pub food indoors and on their new patio.
Saturday morning there may be golfing with Greg, interested?
The Holiday Inn Express in Salem is your best bet for lodging.
frontdesk.salemil@gmail.com or 618-740-0913
UcamP RV park is an excellent option for those traveling in an RV.
Ucamp2020@gmail.com or 618-267-5850 ask for Becky to reserve.
We hope to see you in July!
If you can't make it, you can drop us an email and let us know.
Too busy, no problem. If you don't respond, we will take the hint.
Reservations please by May 15, 2023.  Refundable up to July 1.
Questions?   Mail@SCHS1968.com or
SCHSClassof1968@gmail.com or
 Jeannell@SalemTravel.com  618-513-1313
Email us and we can send you a credit card link for payment through Square.
Mail checks to: SCHS Class of 1968,
Salem Travel, 111 N Broadway
, Salem, IL 62881